Getting Involved

Development Location

The code for commissaire lives on GitHub. The main repo can be found at

Development Setup

See DEVEL.rst


A Vagrantfile is provided which will give you a full local development setup.

To run the vagrant development environment make sure you have a supported virtualization system, vagrant and vagrant-sshfs installed, and have all commissaire projects checked out in the parent folder as the commissaire vagrant box will attempt to mount them over SSH.

$ ls ../ | grep 'commissaire'

To run the vagrant development environment make sure you have a support virtualization system as well as vagrant installed and execute ./tools/vagrantup.


If you want to use the vagrant command directly note that you will have to follow the same start up process used in ./tools/vagrantup


If you decide to use the vagrant command directly, the fedora-atomic host will require a manual work-around to mount the shared folder at /home/vagrant/sync. After the box is up the first time, run vagrant ssh fedora-atomic to log into the virtual machine, then run sudo rpm-ostree install fuse-sshfs. Exit back out to the host machine and restart the virtual machine with vagrant reload fedora-atomic.


You will need to add an ssh pub key to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys on nodes if you will not be using cloud-init for bootstrapping.

Server IP OS AutoStart
Servers (etcd/redis) Fedora Cloud 25 Yes
Fedora Node Fedora Cloud 25 Yes
Fedora Atomic Node Fedora Atomic 25 Yes
Commissaire Fedora Cloud 25 No
Kubernetes Fedora Cloud 25 No

For more information see the Vagrant site.

Getting Up To Speed

As you can see commissaire uses a number of libraries.

setuptools #license=MIT
sphinx_rtd_theme #license=BSD
python-etcd #license=MIT
requests #license=ASLv2.0
kombu #license=BSD

Of these, the most important to be up to speed on are:




Like most projects commissaire expects specific coding standards to be followed. pep8 is followed strictly with the exception of E402: module level import not at top of file.

Commissaire Proposal Document

A Commissaire Proposal Document (CPD) must be submitted and approved before significantly changing the current implementation. This applies to changes which break backward compatibility, replace a subsystem, change the user experience, etc.. For information on the CPD process see CPD-1: CPD Process and the CPD Template.

Ansible Templates

Variables are used with jinja2 templates and should always prefix commissaire_. Here is a current list variables in use as examples:

Name Description
commissaire_targets Host(s) to target
commissaire_install_libselinux_python Command to install libselinux-python
commissaire_install_flannel Command to install flannel
commissaire_flanneld_config_local Local flannel config file to template to the target(s)
commissaire_flanneld_config Remote path to the flannel config
commissaire_flannel_service Name of the flannel service
commissaire_install_docker Command to install docker
commissaire_docker_config_local Local docker config file to template to the target(s)
commissaire_docker_config Remote path to the docker config
commissaire_docker_service Name of the docker service
commissaire_install_kube Command to install kubernetes minion packages
commissaire_kubernetes_config_local Local kubernetes config file to template to the target(s)
commissaire_kubernetes_config Remote path to the kubernetes config
commissaire_kubeconfig_config_local Local kubeconfig file to template to the target(s)
commissaire_kubeconfig_config Remote path to the kubeconfig
commissaire_kubelet_service Name of the kubelet service
commissaire_kubeproxy_service Name of the kubernetes proxy service
commissaire_restart_command Host restart command
commissaire_upgrade_command Host upgrade command
commissaire_bootstrap_ip The IP address of the host
commissaire_kubernetes_api_server_url The kubernetes api server (scheme://host:port)
commissaire_kubernetes_client_cert_path Path to the kubernetes client certificate
commissaire_kubernetes_client_key_path Path to the kubernetes client key
commissaire_kubernetes_client_cert_path_local Path to the local kubernetes client certificate
commissaire_kubernetes_client_key_path_local Path to the local kubernetes client key
commissaire_kubernetes_bearer_token The bearer token used to contact kubernetes
commissaire_docker_registry_host The docker registry host
commissaire_docker_registry_port The docker registry port
commissaire_etcd_server_url The etcd server (scheme://host:port)
commissaire_etcd_ca_path Path to the etcd certificate authority
commissaire_etcd_client_cert_path Path to the etcd client certificate
commissaire_etcd_client_key_path Path to the etcd client key
commissaire_etcd_ca_path_local Path to the local etcd certificate authority
commissaire_etcd_client_cert_path_local Path to the local etcd client certificate
commissaire_etcd_client_key_path_local Path to the local etcd client key
commissaire_flannel_key The flannel configuration key


Unit Testing

commissaire uses TravisCI to verify that all unit tests are passing. All unit tests must pass and coverage must be above 80% before code will be accepted. No exceptions..

To run unit tests locally and see where your code stands:

$ tox

End-to-End/BDD Testing

commissaire uses Behave to execute end to end/BDD tests. You will need to have the following in your parent directory to properly be able to execute tests locally.

$ ls ../ | grep 'comm'

To run e2e/bdd tests locally and see where your code stands:

(virtualenv)$ behave -D start-all-servers


you can pass -D commissaire-server-args="" to append server arguments when starting the server from behave.

or via tox

(virtualenv)$ tox -e bdd

You can also run the tests against any commissaire/etcd instance directly.


Do not point to a real instance of commissaire. e2e/BDD tests will simulate real usage on a running server and will probably cause damage.

See manual_installation for how to set up commissaire.

# Set up ...
(virtualenv)$ behave \
    -D commissaire-server= \
    -D etcd= \
    -D bus-uri=redis://

If you are using our vagrant set up you can use the use-vagrant argument.

(virtualenv)$ ./tools/vagrantup
(virtualenv)$ behave -D use-vagrant

Here are all of the user arguments supported by using the -D options:

- commissaire-server: The URI of the server to use.
- etcd: The URI of a running etcd to use.
- bus-uri: The URI of a bus service to use.
- use-vagrant: If vagrant is in use. Ignores start-* items.
- start-all-servers: Starts everything (like setting all start-* items).
- start-etcd: If etcd should be started.
- start-redis: If redis should be started. Also sets BUS_URI.
- start-storage-service: If commissaire-storage-service should start.
- start-investigator-service: If commissaire-investigator-service should start.
- start-watcher-service: If commissaire-watcher-service should start.
- start-commissaire-server: If the commissaire-server should start.
- commissaire-server-args: Any extra arguments for starting commissaire-server.

There are a number of tags within the tests. Using these tags can target specific parts of the codebase without running the full suite. Use -t to specify tags. -k is also helpful as it will suppress showing the tests that did not run. Using a ~ before the tag will disable all test with that tag. See behave --tags-help for more details

Tag Description
anonymous Tests without authentication
clientcert Tests that use a client certificate
cluster Tests that are specific to cluster functionality
clusterexec Tests that use the clusterexec code
create Tests that create a resource
delete Tests that delete a resource
deploy Tests which use the deploy functionality
hosts Tests that are specific to the hosts functionality
list Tests that list a resource
recreate Tests that recreate a resource
restart Tests which use the restart functionality
retrieve Tests the get a resource
slow Tests that are known to run slow
ssh Tests which use the ssh related functionality
status Tests that are specific to the status functionality
upgrade Tests which use the upgrade functionality

The following command shows how to run all the create tests that are not marked slow:

# Set up ...
(virtualenv)$ behave -k -t create,~slow \
    -D commissaire-server= \
    -D etcd= \
    -D bus-uri=redis://

The same thing using the ./tools/behave script:

# Set up ...
(virtualenv)$ ./tools/behave -t create,~slow