REST Configuration¶
Configuration File¶
$ cat /etc/commissaire/commissaire.conf
"listen-interface": "",
"listen-port": 8000,
"tls-pemfile": "/path/to/server.pem",
"bus-uri": "redis://",
"authentication-plugins": [{
"name": "commissaire_http.authentication.httpbasicauth",
"filepath": "conf/users.json"
"self-auths": ["/api/v0/secrets"]
Via CLI¶
usage: [-h] [--debug] [--config-file CONFIG_FILE] [--no-config-file]
[--listen-interface LISTEN_INTERFACE]
[--listen-port LISTEN_PORT] [--tls-pemfile TLS_PEMFILE]
[--tls-clientverifyfile TLS_CLIENTVERIFYFILE]
[--authentication-plugin MODULE_NAME:key=value,..]
[--self-auth SELF_AUTHS] [--bus-exchange BUS_EXCHANGE]
[--bus-uri BUS_URI]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug Turn on debug logging to stdout
--config-file CONFIG_FILE, -c CONFIG_FILE
Full path to a JSON configuration file (command-line
arguments override)
--no-config-file Disregard default configuration file, if it exists
Interface to listen on
--listen-port LISTEN_PORT, -p LISTEN_PORT
Port to listen on
--tls-pemfile TLS_PEMFILE
Full path to the TLS PEM for the commissaire server
--tls-clientverifyfile TLS_CLIENTVERIFYFILE
Full path to the TLS file containing the certificate
authorities that client certificates should be
verified against
--authentication-plugin MODULE_NAME:key=value,..
Authentication Plugin module and configuration.
--self-auth SELF_AUTHS
URI paths which provide their own authentication.
--bus-exchange BUS_EXCHANGE
Message bus exchange name.
--bus-uri BUS_URI Message bus connection URI. See:http://kombu.readthedo
Example: commissaire -c conf/myconfig.json
The following will run the same server as the above configuration file examples.
is required when bypassing the configuration file!
$ commissaire-server --no-config \
--bus-uri redis:// \
--bus-exchange commissaire \
--tls-pemfile /path/to/server.pem \
--listen-interface 8000 \
--authentication-plugin commissaire_http.authentication.httpbasicauth:filepath=conf/users.json \
--self-auth /api/v0/secrets
Multiple authentication plugins can be configured via the CLI. To do this use the
switch multiple times.
--authentication-plugin commissaire_http.authentication.httbasicauth:filepath=conf/users.json \
--authentication-plugin commissaire_http.authentication.keystonetokenauth:url=